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What are the requirements for certification of SmartCEMS®-60 PEMS under 40 CFR Part 60, PS-16?

The minimum data required for a SmartCEMS® PEMS model is from 24 hours to 72 hours of data to build a successful model. The entire range of operations at various loads and including a startup and/or shutdown is typically required. The initial certification under PS-16 requires a 27-run relative accuracy test audit and statistical analysis of the data. CMC provides a certification guarantee with each SmartCEMS® product such that the initial testing will meet the requirements of PS-16 and CMC remains involved with the required submittals and reports until notification is received by the appropriate regulatory agencies.


Quality assurance requirements under PS-16 include the initial 27 run RATA test and three quarterly audits during the first year of operation of the PEMS. During the second and subsequent years, the annual RATA test is conducted at a single load (normal) and only one audit is required during the year. The relative accuracy audit (RAA) is typically conducted in the opposing quarter of the year as the RATA.